Every diamond, like a human fingerprint, has certain distinguishing characteristics. The universal standard for identifying diamonds determines the quality and value of a diamond according to the 4c’s: Carat,Clarity,Color and Cut. Let the expert of Croesus analyze your diamond, so you know exactly what diamond you are buying.

The 4c's


Color is the second most important of the 4Cs because the color grade directly affects the stone’s appearance. Most diamonds range in color from colorless to slightly yellow. The closer to being “colorless” a diamondthe rarer it is. Perfect diamond it is colorless or near colorless. A white diamond’s quality is equally determined by its absence of color.

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A diamonds cut is essential to its beauty.Cut is the most important scale to highlight all the Characteristics from the stone,one of the principle factors of quality, and the only one influenced by man. The cut is divided to 3 grades:

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Clarity refers to the diamond’s purity. All-natural diamonds show traces of their growth history, which tend to be minor internal characteristics in gem-quality diamonds.The clarity scale reflects the size, number and location of these characteristics when examined with a 10x loupe. Diamonds that have no inclusions visible to the naked eye are of excellent quality. The very best – and rarest – clarity is called ‘loupe clean’. This means that no inclusions can be found even with the loupe.

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The weight of a diamond is expressed in carats.The carat is the unit of mass for precious stones generally.The accurate weight is very useful for identifying diamonds.Naturally, having all other factors constant, the larger a Diamond is, the greater its value due to its desirability and rarity.

Croesus offers a wide variety of carat sizes for its diamond solitaires and all our diamonds are always cut to maximize beauty, not carat weight.