Every Croesus engagement ring begins with a diamond chosen for its exceptional character and superlative quality.
A polished diamond’s beauty lies in the way it catches light and transmits back to the viewer as spectacular lightand brilliance.
Brilliance is the combination of all white light reflecting from the surface and the interior of a diamond.
By focusing on the diamond’s natural beauty and brilliance, Croesus diamond experts individually hand select each stone according to stringent in-house guidelines. Only the most expertly crafted diamonds earn the right to be placed in our engagement rings.
Our gemological expertise looks for diamonds that sparkle from every angle, no matter what the size is.
Our diamonds are import exclusive from Antwerp diamond center and can be also certified from the GemologicalInstitute of America (GIA) or the Hoge Raadvoor Diamant (HRD) the two most accurate and well-known diamonds certifications.
Ethical Diamond Sourcing
All our diamonds are sourced only from countries that they maintain ethical business practices, and comply with applicable laws and regulations, including protecting basic human rights wherever they operate.